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The 48% zine - issue 1 - SOLD OUT

£2.00 Sold out

Image of The 48% zine - issue 1 - SOLD OUT

The 48% is a zine of reactions, responses and reflections to the June 23rd 2016 referendum vote for Britain to leave the EU. It is written from the perspective of those who wanted Britain to remain, and comprises of personal stories, social media posts, photos and illustrations. Sharing their thoughts as Brits living in the UK, Brits living in mainland Europe and immigrants from overseas living in England, it's filled with emotional, honest and funny responses to Brexit.

Jen created the zine as she felt it was important to capture and document all of the passionate reaction that was being shared online. It's a small insight into a big issue, but gives an idea of what someone in the 48% who voted to remain's world looks like in 2016.

All proceeds from the sale of the zine will be donated to the mental health charity Mind.